Certificate of Origin

Certificate of Origin

A Certificate of Origin (CO) is used when trading with countries outside the EU. Every day, the customs department of TTS issues the Certificate of Origin for various companies. Our customs specialists are happy to help you with your CO!

Before a shipment can successfully arrive at its destination, many things need to be arranged. One of those matters is arranging a CoO, also known as a Certificate of Origin. This certificate is almost always necessary when you are going to transport outside the EU. A Certificate of Origin indicates where the goods were manufactured. Countries outside the EU are asking for this because of trade policy measures. It can happen that the products you are going to transport in a country are boycotted or restricted. It is also possible that you have to pay less or even no import duties. In any case, the Certificate of Origin is a requirement.

A Certificate of Origin can be requested and drawn up by anyone who is going to export. However, if you have no experience with this, it is wise to have it done by a specialist. This way you can be sure that the CoC is properly drawn up and you also save time and therefore money. TTS is AEO certified and is therefore a specialized and reliable partner to do business with. It may also be that additional documents are required for your shipment. Our specialists can tell you exactly what you need and what it will cost you. Simply contact them via the contact form!

Certificate of Origin

Simple and economical

With TTS you can easily and cheaply arrange a Certificate of Origin for your goods. Our customs department is specialized in producing this document and is happy to help you!

Trustworthy partner

Our customs specialists provide a Certificate of Origin for many different companies every day. So you do business with a real specialist. We are also AEO certified. This guarantees you that you are dealing with a reliable partner.

AEO certified

A Certificate of Origin quickly and cheaply

TTS has its own customs department within the organization. Our specialists have a lot of experience in drawing up a CoO and can therefore draw up the certificate quickly and cheaply. If additional documents are required, our customs department can also easily provide them. This way you do not have to arrange this yourself and you save time and money here. Ask one of our specialists about the possibilities.

Is a Certificate of Origin required?

A Certificate of Origin is required when you are going to transport outside the EU. Within the EU it is normally not necessary to submit a CoO. In some cases, a CoO may be required. If in doubt, ask one of our specialists about this!

What is the use of a CoO?

A Certificate of Origin indicates where the goods were manufactured. Some countries outside the European Union apply import duties on certain products or product groups from certain countries. When you are going to sell these products to one of these countries, you have to pay import duties. A CoO indicates that the goods come from a country that has to pay import duties. It is also possible that you have to pay less or no import tax. In both cases a Certificate of Origin is mandatory.

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